Monday, July 19, 2010

Global Young People's Convocation

I'm leaving this afternoon to fly to Germany for the Global Young People's Convocation and Legislative Assembly. (GYPCLA) (I think my favorite part about Methodism might be our addiction to acronyms!)

GYPCLA will be in Berlin, Germany. United Methodist Youth and Young adults from all over the world will gather to discuss issues of importance and to spend time together in fellowship.

You can watch Live video from the event if you are interested.

I think that the Legislative Assembly has a lot of potential. It has the potential to be very divisive and embittering ... or it has the potential to be very unifying and uplifting. I believe that the youth and young adults elected to the Legislative Assembly (I'm one of the 11 voting delegates from the NEJ) will be more able to find common ground than adults.

There are some major pieces of legislation - some I believe passionately in and some that simply don't interest me - but ultimately we must focus on the things that will make the United Methodist church stronger and more faithful to our call to "Make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world."

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